Wednesday, 2 January 2013

New Years Resolutions

Ok, so as some of you may have noticed (or not as the case may be), I haven't posted in quite some time, the plan was to have a little break to finish off my house and sort out Christmas stuff but that little break turned into over a month! Naughty Helen!

But it's all good, I'm back, my house is now finished, sort of, and Christmas has been and gone for another year.  Anywho, now that Christmas is over with we have the next big event New Year!  Now, I'm not going to pretend that I am going to get up to anything exciting on new years, but I will however be joining in the spirit by writing my new years resolutions!

This year my new years resolution is to do/try something new every month!  It's so easy to slip back into routine of just pretty much going from day to the next without anything different going on but this year I plan to change that.  Without trying to sound to deep here, I feel like I'm pretty much just going through the motions at the moment, bed to work and all that so I really want to make sure that I do things that are actually memorable, and I will make sure I share these with you!

I also have a few others, try be more healthy and such but that one is definitely the main one!

Whats your new years resolutions?  And what do you think of mine?

Bye bye 2012, hello 2013!



  1. Happy 2013. All the best <3 !

  2. sounds like a great new years resolution to me! I intend on getting some more things done off my aspirations list :)

    louisejoyb x

  3. Happy New Year doll...I hope it's a great one for you & you reach your goals xx

  4. love your blog! I'm following with pleasure! hope u'll follow too! Happy New Year!
