In case you didn't know, it's been snowing! It's very hard to miss it when there are people panic buying bread and milk all over the place... Why always bread and milk? Just in case these people get snowed in they can always munch on a bit of dry bread and wash it down with some warm milk... yummy!
Annywho, I decided to have a bit of an explore round where I live in the snow, who doesn't love going for walks in the snow!!! No, you can't feel your fingers (or any other extremity for that matter), no you don't look particularly stylish in your battered old wellies, but YES, it is damn good fun... well except if you land on your ass after falling.... ooops
So this is my week in pictures (minus the boring bits where I went to work and such, oh and where I sat around on my lazy ass doing nothing for most of the weekend... in summary, it's a bit sparse, maybe I need to actually do more)
So this is before is snowed....
And this is my weekend in the snow....
(I know you didn't need it pointing out, but just in case....)
The mountain covered in snow... obviously
Is this bird watching? God, how sad...LOSER
My cat Peggy playing in the snow... aw, shes so cute! Secretly shes thinking "Get that f**kin' camera out of my face!"
Freezing, by this point my finger tips had developed severe frostbite *
Little boys wellies... they are mine, but I bought these in the kids section, my size 5 feet can squeeze into childrens shoes (I needed to explain that first comment... could be a bit misleading and disturbing...should probably stop talking now...can't stop)
Customary close up shot... everyone else is doing it
So my weekend has mainly consisted of going on little walks and sitting around doing not alot, which I think is a pretty good balance really... I've been catching up on some of the new programmes that have started, and am now hooked on
Mr Selfridge and
My Mad Fat Diary, both of which are just amazing, although total opposite ends of the spectrum. I love Mr Selfridge because I love the whole glamour of it and I just love that period anyway, you know, when people actually made an effort. And My Mad Fat Diary is so funny, hell, when has swear words scribble over the screen not been funny (when you don't have the same sense of humour as a 14 year old boy?!). Anywho, obviously I recommend them, so get on it.
On a different note, I'm getting restless, I need to do something, I realise I haven't done my new year thing of do/try something new every month and quite frankly February is approaching fast. Any suggestions, I know at some point I want to change my hair, it is very much annoying me now, maybe I'll be a piercing somewhere, probably my ear, I don't think work would like it if I showed up with a chain linking my nose eyebrow and lip...
* Massive exaggeration - if not just plain lying...
Until next time,